Sura LXI (61)

Battle Array

(Medina -- 14 verses)


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All that is in the Heavens and all that is on the Earth praiseth God. He is the Mighty, the Wise!

Believers! why profess you that which you practise not?

Most hateful is it to God they you say that which you do not.

Verily God loveth those who, as though they were a solid wall, do battle for his cause in serried lines!

And bear in mind when Moses said to his people, "Why grieve you me, O my people, wehn you know that I am God's apostle unto you?" And when they went astray, God led their hearts astry; for God guideth not a perverse people:

And remember when Jesus the son of Mary said, "O children of Israel! of a truth I am God's apostle to you to confirm the law which was given before me, and to announce an apostle that shall come after me whose name shall be Ahmad!" But when he (Ahmad) presented himself with clear proofs of his mission, they said, "This is manifest sorcery!"

But who more impious than he who when called to Islam deviseth a falsehood concerning God? God guideth not the wicked!

Fain would they put out the light of God with their mouths! but though the Infidels hate it, God will perfect his light.

He it is who hath sent his apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, that, though they hate it who join other gods with God, He may make it victorious over every other religion.

61:10 O you who believe! shall I shew you a merchandise that shall deliver you from the sore torment?

Believe in God and his apostle, and do valiantly in the cause of God with your wealth and with your persons! This, did you but know, will be best for you.

Your sins will He forgive you, and He will bring you into gardens beneath whose shades the rivers flow -- into charming abodes in the gardens of Eden: This shall be the great bliss. --

And other things which you desire will he bestow. Help from God and speedy conquest! Bear thou these tidings to the faithful.

O you who believe! be helpers (ansars) of God; as said Jesus the son of Mary to his apostles, "Who will come to the help of God?" "We," said the apostles, "will be helpers of God." And a part of the children of Israel believed, and a part believed not. But to those who believed gave we the upper-hand over their foes, and soon did they prove victorious.